9:00am | First Gathering (Live Video Stream Available)
11:00am | Second Gathering
Here is what you can expect:
1. Same Sermon
We will follow a slightly shorter order of worship, with the same sermon.
2. Free Sunset
Sunsets are beautiful in Texas. This will remind us of God’s glory!
3. Masks
Masks are required for volunteers, for attenders indoors, and for any person that can not maintain six feet of social distance from non-household members. Masks reduce the spread of the virus. (Killeen Face Covering Directive, Texas Governor’s Directive)
4. Social Distance Throughout
We will ask you to maintain social distance from non-household members and refrain from shaking hands and hugging. I know this is hard for a lot of you (it is for me) but you still have freedom to engage in these things elsewhere.
5. Bathroom Hygiene
Lobby bathrooms will be available. Masks must be worn to enter the building. We will ask you to use hand sanitizer before going into the bathroom, and only enter one person at a time (and, of course, wash before exiting).
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