Life is a team effort. Don’t go it alone!

One of our core values at Grace Bible Church is “missional community." An example of missional community is simply a small group of friends growing in their faith and bringing hope to their city. These friends are purposeful about caring for those inside of the group as well as serving and loving people who are not yet a part of the group. In fact, whether you attend a women’s Bible study, a Sunday school class, or a home small group, we desire any cluster of believers to pursue missional community.

Join an existing group

Small groups are intended to reach beyond Sunday mornings and allow for closer, more meaningful relationships between believers. We encourage you to consider becoming part of one of these existing groups that facilitates even deeper interaction and honesty.

For more information on our small groups, contact Rachel Benjamin at [email protected]

Start a “3×5” group

Here’s a super simple way to be part of a small group where you can be encouraged and encourage others. We call it 3x5 Groups because it fits on a 3x5 card and a group consists of about 3 people working through 5 actions together. It’s for parents and kids, husbands and wives, co-workers, and friends. Print some of the cards, try it out and tell us how it works for you at [email protected].

Ministry Contact

Rachel Benjamin

Church Office Administrator